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Environmental Policy

The Company recognises the importance of environmental considerations and will take these into account at all stages of the screen printing process. In particular, the Company has made a commitment to continually improve its environmental performance and if possible, improve on legislative and regulatory requirements.

The following objectives will be pursued as far as is reasonably practical,
  • Develop management operational procedures to prevent pollution

  • To reduce the 'print waste' washed into the sewerage system and sent to local waste sites; and to reduce solvent usage and reduce harmful gases and odours discharged into the atmosphere

  • To minimise the use of fossil fuels and conserve energy used on the site

  • To include environmental issues within investment and business policy decisions

  • To influence, by its purchasing power, suppliers to adopt responsible environmental policies
The Board of Directors will involve and inform the workforce, suppliers, customers, interested parties and local community to develop awareness of environmental issues and ensure the policy is made publicly available to all staff and to its suppliers/customers on request.
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